Get to know Altus CPR and the team

At Altus CPR, our role transcends that of mere instructors—we are guardians equipped with the profound knowledge to empower you with life-saving skills. The name ‘Altus’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘profound,’ symbolizing the deep impact that CPR can have in rescuing a life. In the United States, heart disease and stroke loom as the predominant causes of death, striking indiscriminately across time and place. Our founder’s personal encounter with this reality underscores the urgency and importance of every second in a crisis. It was this pivotal experience that inspired the inception of Altus CPR, with a mission to equip you with the swift and decisive actions necessary in any emergency. Whether your motivation is professional, familial, or communal, we offer tailored CPR training to meet your needs. Reach out to us, become a part of the Altus CPR community, and embrace the role of a lifesaver.

We make CPR training easy and accessible for everyone. Whether you need an American Heart Association certification for your job or you just want to learn how to save lives, we have a class for you. You can choose from our fully in-person classes or our hybrid classes. With our hybrid classes, you can learn the core material online and then practice the skills with a certified instructor at your home or work. With our in-person classes, we can also come to your location and teach you everything you need to know. We serve most of Butler County, PA (see our map on the Contact Us page). Before booking, please make sure you choose the right certification class for your employer. Contact us today and learn CPR the most convenient way.

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Our Team

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Michael Davis
President & instructor

Mike has been an Emergency Dispatcher since 2015, a crucial role that connects people in distress with the right emergency services. He loves being part of a team that saves lives and helps others, but he also wanted to do more than just talk on the phone. That’s why he became a volunteer firefighter in 2022 and joined his local fire department. He has been serving his community ever since. Beyond work and volunteering, Mike is also passionate about teaching others how to save lives. He is an American Heart Association trained instructor who has been teaching CPR skills to foster parents, medical professionals, and anyone interested since 2017. He believes that everyone should know how to perform CPR in an emergency. Mike is a dedicated and compassionate professional who makes a difference in his community every day.